For this tutorial, we're assuming that you've already logged into your web server using Cyberduck. 


You need to follow the following steps to upload any files in the server:


  1. Open the desired directory where you want to upload files, you can open them by double clicking a folder and exploring further.
  2. Once you are in the directory you want to upload more files in, click on Upload button as shown in the image:

    Managing files using Cyberduck, Step 2

  3. Locate the files in your local drive and select the ones you want to upload, click on Choose once you select the files:

    Managing files using Cyberduck, Step 3 

  4. Files will start uploading to the server automatically, all those stats are shown in the Transfer panel:

    Managing files using Cyberduck, Step 4

    All the error messages are showed there as well.



That's it for uploading the files. To download them to your local drive, follow this simple step:


  • Select the files you want to download from your web server. Right click on them and click on Download To:

    Uploading files using cyberduck 1

  • From the dialog box that opens up, select the folder where you want to download these files to and click on OK:

    Uploading files using cyberduck 2


  • In the Transfers options, you can see the status of your download, which is completed here:

    Transfer status as seen in Cyberduck


This is it for the tutorial regarding managing files using Cyberduck for your website.

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