• Zaterdag, Juli 25, 2020

We, at Babal Host, have set our platform in a way to scale from day one with our efficient working practice. Our experience has taught us that a company should be customer-facing. To accomplish this, we've automation system to handle even the complicated of works which other providers still do it by hand. Denial of service attacks, malware tracking, and patching, deployment of new servers are some of the activities which our automation process and advanced software are all able to handle. With those things taken care of, we can spend more time with you all.

However, when it came to automating the payment system, it was something we were still following traditional means to accomplish. This needed to change. Realizing that we have worked together with PrabhuPAY and Fonepay to develop a WHMCS module for the gateway and to accept payment via the platform. Users using PrabhuPAY or any of the network banks of Fonepay can now pay using their mobile banking account or eSewa scan2pay feature. The network is working towards also including internet banking as part of the system and that would add more ways for you to make the essential payments.

We are really excited about the new addition regardless of how simple this might look. This is certain to save countless hours spent asking how to pay and our staff requiring to guide on how the payment is to be done. Now, it's a scan away!

Once the payment is complete, the order is automatically checked and approved, emails sent and service details displayed in the client area. How awesome is that :)